Saturday, October 5, 2013

old sketches

This had been a sketch for a Christmascard I wanted to use in the name of my little one woman firm, I called Kék Avokado. That means Blue Avokado. It is a bit absurd as I imagined the core as an earthglobe protected by the half avocado and Santa Claus is standing right upon it blowed by the wind to ....... who knows. So the whole avocado turns to be a ship as well. But something like a spaceship. The message of that? Nuts.

This sketch happened to me when I illustrated "King Ben". This is the moment, when Ben finds the little lost bear of his little sister and he gives it to her. I have no idea why I turned his little sister to a rabbit. Perhaps I didn't achieve the right expression of her face and as a protest to myself I turned her to an ugly rabbit.

This is a sketch to a story of two little lost bears.

I drew that picture in '83. I can't remember where we had been. Somewhere in Europe. In France or Italy.

These sketches are for nothing special.

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